Muslim call to prayer will be blasted over a US city 5 times per day this month

Shared by: abu mohammed
25th April, 2020 |
Muslim call to prayer will be blasted over this major US city five times per day during Ramadan


The Muslim call to prayer will blast over loudspeakers in a Minneapolis neighborhood five times per day during the month of Ramadan.

According to Al Jazeera, the prayer call will be broadcasted during Ramadan, Islam's holy month, which runs from April 23 to May 23.

The news outlet called the development "historic" because it is the first time Islam's call to prayer was blasted over a major U.S. city.

From Al Jazeera:

The simple, short call - known as the adhan - marked an historical moment for Minneapolis and major cities across the United States, community members said. While the adhan is commonly broadcast throughout the Middle East, North Africa and other places, for many Muslims in the US, it is only heard inside mosques or community centres.

"There's definitely a lot of excitement," said Imam Abdisalam Adam, who is on the board of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque, from where the adhan will be broadcast. "Some people see it as historic," Adam told Al Jazeera. "To the point ... that they're not doing it, able to see it in their lifetime."

The prayer will be directed at the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood in West Minneapolis, which has been dubbed "Little Mogadishu" due to the prevalence of Somali immigrants.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), a Somali immigrant herself, represents the area in Congress.
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